

SKYASTAR TECHNOLOGIES (ZHUHAI) LTD. designs, builds and markets high end microwave, photonics and mixed signal products from device to subsystem in China.
We provide best-of-breed RoF(Radio over Fiber) device, module, subsystem for Wireless, Satcom, GPS etc., laser and photodetector for communication, energy, sensor. Also provide L3-LoRa/UWB TR/SoC and module for IoT application with the expertise of RF/Analog design and DSP.
Customized products based on our vertical integration capability such as FMCW Lidar TR/SoC, coherent optical TR PHY or DSP etc. are also available upon request.
The value proposition is our leading edge optical chip, microwave MMIC , RF-CMOS TR, advanced DSP system innovations, optoelectronic hybrid, high reliability design know-how and unique auto test system capability.


Establishment of the company


Current employees of the company

100 +

Long term partners of the company



Autonomous optical chip
The self-designed laser chip and detector chip, with broadband low RIN technology indicators and narrow linewidth technology for direct output from the chip cavity, have filled the domestic gap and received high praise from customers.
Large dynamic optical link
The large dynamic optical transceiver module is widely used in communication systems, replacing traditional bulky RF cables, achieving long-distance optical transmission, and solving the technical problem of bottleneck.
High power low noise light source
Superior RIN technology indicators, with optimal performance reaching -165dB/Hz, are among the best in the industry and widely used in optical communication systems.
Optoelectronic Microassembly

By adopting optoelectronic hybrid integration technology, bare chips, bare electric chips, and other optical devices are mixed and integrated in a small space to meet the demanding small volume requirements of customers.